2016 Overall Results
Thank you to everyone that took part in the RunFit Summer Racing Series. Results are based on the top 4 events run by each participant. Congratulations to the top age group and overall point scorers! See you in 2017!
The following are recipients of the 2016 RunFit Racing Series technical jacket:
Overall and Age Group Winners:
MEN - OVERALL (TOP 3): First: Jeff Sallade |
MEN - AGE GROUP (1ST) Elijah Sallade (10-19) |
WOMEN – OVERALL (TOP 3) First: Kellie Nickerson Second: Theresa Kester Third: Charlotte Garcia |
WOMEN – AGE GROUP (1ST) Kellie Nickerson (30-39) Nicole Midgett (40-49) Theresa Kester (50-59) Gillan Mazer (60-69) |
Note: If you have not already been contacted concerning your technical jacket size
(men and women sizes), please contact Stephen Pino at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..