Events Calendar
NM Farolito “Trail of Lights” 5K
Saturday, December 13, 2025, 05:00pm - 06:00pm
Hits : 356
Contact Stephen Pino
The 19th Annual New Mexico Farolito "Trail of Lights" 5K and Kids K is a unique holiday run and walk decked out with 2,500 farolitos (luminarias). Simply put, these are candles carefully placed in sand inside a bag, providing a warm glow at night...a New Mexico Christmas tradition. This is a great way to ring in the holidays. Join hundreds of participants who make this an annual tradition and one you won't want to miss! Enjoy holiday favorites at the finish including posole, hot chocolate, and other NM favorites, Santa, as well as a long-sleeve tee shirt for all registered participants.
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Location Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute 9169 Coors. Rd. NW Albuquerque, New Mexico 87120